Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Like a 6 year old!

Family nights are Mondays. We protect them and look forward to them. This week Dave has been a little off. Not feeling to hot, work stuff, etc. So we planned a low key event of frosting sugar cookies for the girls to bring to school today. As Im making dinner and baking the cookies, I ask Ella to turn on Christmas music ( tv music channels- weird, but we dont have a 'stereo' in our house).

I completely forgot that our tv service was shut off due to non payment! Call it forgetting, call it waiting for pay it whatever you want. It was shut off.

~The kids do not know this, because the DVR with all their taped 'phin and ferbs' and 'hannah montanas' are all there safe and sound!~

So, I remember, as she is asking me how to work the TV, that the channel we use wont be there. Im in the middle of telling her to just turn it off and we will just sing, when I hear music. Some randon 'pay your bill' channel has Christmas music playing in the backround. SWEET!

So here is the scene now:

Leslie in the kitchen cooking/baking and focused on how close of a call it was that the kids almost found out there was no TV!

Kaylee doing her homework at the counter.

Joey shooting hoops.

Dave on the computer working,, and a *bit* stressed about a house closing.

And Ella is in the room with the Christmas music dancing, and dancing and dancing. Frosty the Snowman starts to play... Ella shouts with Buddy the Elf enthusiasim " I LOVE THIS SONG!" and starts to intensify her dancing ( if that is even possible!)

And then it hits me....she still has the MAGIC of Christmas!

The idea that Santa is REAL, that ANYTHING can happen this time of year! She doesnt worry about HOW her toys will get to her...the idea that a 300 lb man can fit through our fake fireplace doesnt seem odd to her. She just believes.

When is it that Christmas becomes stressful and something to manage? Why do the bills outweigh the magic? Where does the magic go, and when does a fat man in my chimney suddenly become impossible?

She is not concerned with how she will pay for something, she will wrap up a toy from her collection and give it with the same excitement and anticipation as a gift she purchased with her last dime! God will supply her giving needs, she just KNOWS it!

Money may be tight, bills may be late, but my God always provides!
(Matt 6:29 & Psalm 62:8)
Since when isnt THAT enough! I dont NEED a new TV all year, but why do I feel like I do come Dec 25th? Will my joy not be as complete with out a fancy schmancy new toy under the tree? Its all in what I believe.

I believe that this year will be the best holiday season yet!
I believe that my kids desires are met and we are blessed!

Im expecting to Chritsmas like a 6 year old this year.

To believe that ANYTHING is possibe, to get excited for my favorite song, and to wait up for Santa to climb through my fake log fire!

Im going to enjoy every moment I have with my friends, family, and anyone else! I WILL experience the MAGIC of Christmas!!!

I really encourage you to do the same. To not make the season about whay you get, but in every opportunity to make it about what you can give! Give to charity, give to neighbors, give to the store clerks. You all have something you can give, whether its time, money, spare toys/ clothes, or even just a hug. Its there. You could be the person that answers thier prayers. Dont pass up that chance.

Remember the MAGIC of Christmas....believe that ANYTHING is possible!


OUR WILD ZOO! said...

LoooOOOOOooove this post!! I couldn't agree more. I love this time of year more than anything-a few times I've found myself getting wrapped into some stressful situations and I literally just say NO-not going there. I'm not buying into the lie that it's all about the tinsel and gifts. I love to see the season through my kids eyes and remember the meaning of CHRISTmas. Thanks for a great post, Leslie. You are an amazing woman and wonderful friend!

Pampered Tots said...

Just blog stalking you, my friend. I plan on bugging you until you update. Do it, do it now. I'm having Ella withdrawls =)